A couple of leaked screenshots have been published by BGR.in, claiming to show a jailbroken iPhone running the WhatsApp v2.11.17.444 beta app. The picture reveals the user interface of the WhatsApp voice calling feature on iOS. The screenshots represent a design that’s pretty much in line with the interface that is available for Android users. At the moment, the feature is currently only available in the beta version of the app. Once it rolls out to iPhone users, they will notice a phone icon beside a contact’s display picture. Thus, by hitting the button, the calling screen will appear, along with the ‘mute,’ ‘message,’ and ‘speaker’ options. At the bottom of the screen, you will also find a new “recent” button which will show the call history including calls you made, received and the ones you missed. The feature is currently in beta, which means it will soon become officially available in the public version, as well. This will put further pressure on carriers as more mobile users turn to VOIP apps in order to save money on traditional voice plans.

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