How many apps must a man download Before you can call him a geek. How many sources must a blog look up Before writing news about a leak? Yes, and how many cores can a processor have Before its performance can peak The answer my friend Could drive you ’round the bend The answer could drive you ’round the bend How many versions can Android have And will they all sound like pastry or cream? Yes and how many years will iOS resist The call to go open, and be free Yes, and how many networks will there be in the air And will all the fastest end with ‘G’ The answer oh geek, Will take years, months and weeks The answer will take months and weeks. How many times must a man check this phone To see if he’s got a software update Yes and how many times must a non-Nexus moan That an old Android is their fate Yes and how many mAh will it take to get a phone Whose battery refuses to die? The answer my friend Is blowin’ in the wind The answer is blowin’ in the wind

If Dylan Was a Geek  Blowin  in The Wind Would be Like This  - 3If Dylan Was a Geek  Blowin  in The Wind Would be Like This  - 85If Dylan Was a Geek  Blowin  in The Wind Would be Like This  - 42If Dylan Was a Geek  Blowin  in The Wind Would be Like This  - 80If Dylan Was a Geek  Blowin  in The Wind Would be Like This  - 24If Dylan Was a Geek  Blowin  in The Wind Would be Like This  - 89